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east coast of the united states中文是什么意思

用"east coast of the united states"造句"east coast of the united states"怎么读"east coast of the united states" in a sentence


  • 美岸
  • 美国东岸
  • 美国东海岸


  • The liangs lived on the east coast of the united states but later moved near san francisco
  • With the success of disneyland clearly established , walt disney began thinking of building a second park that would be available to the people on the east coast of the united states
  • The delegation is staging a road show at the east coast of the united states to promote china as an ideal destination for the americans to plan their vacations and business trips in the new century
  • State , national and international events to salute these legacies began in may 2006 with the sailing of the replica ship godspeed to major ports along the east coast of the united states
  • The excitement has made what was once a game played primarily on the east coast of the united states and canada into one of the fastest - growing sports in high schools and colleges over the past ten years
  • The excitement has made what was once a game played primarily on the east coast of the united states and canada into one of the fastest - growing sports in high schools and colleges over the past ten years
用"east coast of the united states"造句  


The East Coast of the United States, also known as the Eastern Seaboard or the Atlantic Seaboard and commonly shortened to East Coast, refers to the easternmost coast of the United States along the Atlantic Ocean. The states which have shoreline on the East Coast are, from north to south, the U.
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